China's diplomatic thaw offers a semblance of stability for global markets
Victor Liu Victor Liu

China's diplomatic thaw offers a semblance of stability for global markets

China appears to be charting a new course in Sino-Western relations. This shift is not just a diplomatic dance, but a response to pressing global uncertainties and China's internal economic challenges. Its conciliatory diplomacy offers a semblance of stability to global markets, a much-needed respite in these turbulent times.

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Why growth momentum of nuclear energy is at its strongest since the turn of the millennium?
Victor Liu Victor Liu

Why growth momentum of nuclear energy is at its strongest since the turn of the millennium?

Nuclear energy has long been controversial and its development has been stagnant. But today, the momentum of nuclear power is at its strongest since the start of the millennium, driven by two fundamental and lasting forces: decarbonisation and a renewed focus on energy security. We forecast over 281GW of new nuclear capacities to be added to the global fleet by 2035, of which 73% comes from developing countries.

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A 700-floater challenge facing Europe’s offshore wind industry
Victor Liu Victor Liu

A 700-floater challenge facing Europe’s offshore wind industry

Europe’s target of 8GW of floating wind capacity by 2030 implies 700 or so floating platforms to be installed during the second half of the coming decade. This will be a herculean task for the European supply chain. What strategic moves can the offshore wind industry take to make itself ready for the expected construction boom?

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