Our Services

1. Frontier Market Report

Our frontier focus, value-chain coverage, bespoke database and cost models enable us to provide in-depth analysis of market fundamentals, market competition, price and cost trends, and technology maturity.

  • Floating wind annual market report

  • Clean hydrogen annual market report

  • CCUS annual market report

  • Country and asset report

2. Market & Strategy consulting

Do you have an interesting challenge that you need help with? With our strategy expertise, frontier insights and energy value-chain experience, we help businesses build strategies that ride the wave of the green energy revolution and translate exciting new business prospects into profitability.

  • Market analysis and forecasting

  • Business and product strategy

  • Renewable market entry strategy

  • R&D and innovation strategy

3. Transaction due diligence

Hemado has a strong focus on frontier green energy sectors and extensive experience in providing commercial due-diligence and valuation services. We support our clients' investment and financing decisions with independent analysis of market fundamentals and forecast of financial performances.

  • Commercial due diligence

  • Cost & profit modelling and forecasting

  • Asset valuation