How can you enhance ChatGPT's usefulness for your energy research?

While ChatGPT may not consistently offer accurate data and information for specialised inquiries in the energy sector, there are three ways to optimize its utility:

1. Employ cutting-edge AI applications: You can save time by using advanced AI apps like ChatPDF. This AI-driven PDF reader can quickly summarize extensive reports or address questions related to the uploaded document. To start, simply drag your report onto their website:

2. Craft effective prompts: Enhance ChatGPT's responses by providing clear instructions. For instance, in my example here I wrote "As a world-class energy expert, please answer this question based on your own insights and the given information. Provide facts and figures, and briefly explain your reasoning." And adjusting ChatGPT's temperature to 0 can also increase the rigor of its output.

3. Employ light coding: You can accelerate your research with AI by integrating up-to-date market intelligence, internet resources, and GPT. Here's my example using LangChain to demonstrate how to make LLM answers more powerful than ChatGPT or ChatPDF alone. My approach basically prompts ChatGPT to generate responses based on its own knowledge and current market reports. Check out my code here:

I hope you find the above useful, and I look forward to hearing what you think. I will share more about my thoughts on the latest AI and energy in future posts.


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